Want something to read?

A lot of interesting stuff here

Without him, many of us would not exist

Are you really desperate to publish? Try the Advances in Pure Mathematics.

Tired of the uncertain fate of the papers you submit? Here is the solution.

Some Crankery

Some Anticrankery

Do you feel that people are trying to control you mind? Don't go to a psychiatrist, try an Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie!

Is it true? Check it out! (oppure qui e qui in italiano)

Ever wondered if the media are feeding you crap? Now you can be sure!

Well, sure, the idea has some merit . . .

One intelligent design theory to end them all

Wait till BMW hears about this

You would like to become a minister, of course. But how much would it cost you?
Much less than you think

If you try hard enough, you too can win a (Ig)Nobel prize!

You don't read Italian, but are eager to know who were the men and women in the second Berlusconi goverment?
No problem!

A piece of good news, once in while: Border relations between Canada and Mexico have never been better.

E un'altra buona notizia: Gli sbarchi dei clandestini sono diminuiti del 247 per cento.

Io ho scritto delle poesie molto meglio,
ma non le ho mai pubblicate su Vanity Fair.

A small warning: after seeing this, you might feel a little strange about your tongue

Looking for weapons of mass distruction?

The news, the way I like them

Feeling restless?

Now, this is my idea of fun

This too

But THIS is the most fun of all